S-Hooks & Calottes - Finish A Necklace Or Bracelet
Using Calottes/Bead Tips To Finish A Necklace Or Bracelet.

Wire/cord, Crimp beads, Calottes/Bead Tips
Tools: Wire cutters, Flat or Chain nose pliersSTEP 1:
Insert a crimp bead onto your cord/wire and 3 flatten it with your crimping pliers.
String the calotte/bead tip onto the cord/wire until the crimp bead is in the middle of the calotte. Cut the wire next to the crimp so that no parts will stick out.
Gently close the calotte with your flat or chain nose pliers until it is completely shut.
How To Make An S-Hook
Tools:Round nose pliers, File or wire-rounder tool, Wire Cutters
STEP 1:Cut a piece of wire 3.20cm in length. Smooth the 5 ends of the wire using a file or a wire-rounded tool. Using a marker mark the centre of the wire.
STEP 2:Bend the wire halfway from the centre placing it in the larger part of the round nose pliers and make a U shape.
STEP 3:Repeat step 2 for the other end of the wire but now bending it in the opposite direction.
STEP 4:Align the ends of the wire to the centre and curl them.
STEP 5:Gently mould the wire in a “S” shape.